Quino (Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón) was an Argentine cartoonist whose beloved Mafalda comic strips were first published in 1964 and ran until 1973. Quino created the utterly original, inquisitive, intelligent, ironic, non-conformist Mafalda, whose greatest concerns are peace and human rights (one day, she plans to be a UN ambassador). The stories of his rebellious character have been translated into twenty-six languages and published in newspapers and magazines worldwide. Quino’s awards include the Cartoonist of the Year Award at the International Salon of Montreal (1982), two Konex Platinum Awards for Visual Arts-Graphic Humour (1982 and 1992), the Quevedos Latin American Prize for Graphic Humour (2000), and the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities (2014). Life-size statues of Mafalda dot park benches and gardens throughout Latin America.