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Notting Hill Editions

Changing My Mind

Changing My Mind

by Julian Barnes

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“We always believe that changing our mind is an improvement, bringing a greater truthfulness to our dealings with the world and other people. It puts an end to vacillation, uncertainty, weak-mindedness. It seems to make us stronger and more mature. Well, we would think that, wouldn't we?”

In these engaging and erudite essays, critically acclaimed writer Julian Barnes explores what is involved when we change our minds: about words, about politics, about books, about memories, about age and time.

Additional Book Information

Series: Notting Hill Editions
ISBN: 9781912559695
Pages: 64
Publication Date:


Barnes is always a compelling essayist, steering clear of polemical thinking to carefully consider all angles of a topic, and the range of his references, from Dadaists to John Maynard Keynes, constantly astounds.
—Alexander Moran, Booklist

It feels right for Barnes to approach his topic through autobiography, in the first person. This genre goes back to Descartes’ Meditations: epistemology as memoir. And like Descartes before him, Barnes confronts the specter of self-doubt.
—Kieran Setiya, The Atlantic

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